설기문 칼럼

EFT - 인내심을 가지고 EFT에 도전하세요.

설기문 2008. 12. 8. 16:32

EFT를 창시한 게리 크레이그로 부터 오는 뉴스 레터 속의 한 부분입니다.
EFT를 다각적으로 소개하기 위해 내용을 가볍게 요약하여 올립니다.
영어에 관심이 있는 분들은 이러한 자료들을 통해 영어공부를 해 보셔도 좋을 듯 합니다.

2002년부터 미술치료사의 길을 걷기 시작한 Marilyn Poore이라는 사람이
1991년부터 중독증세를 보이는 내담자들과 가정폭력, 이혼, 유년기의 트라우마를 겪은 피해자들을 상담했다.
하지만 이런 일을 시작하기 전, 그녀의 삶은 비극으로 가득했다.
그녀는 그녀의 양 부모에게서 성적, 정신적, 신체적 폭행을 당했고
17살에 결혼과 임신을 하고 한번의 이혼을 한데다가 재혼한 남편은 별세했다.
이런 슬픔속에서도 그녀는 어둠속을 벗어나기 위해 공부를 했고
대학에 가서 인류학 학위와 사회봉사 학위를 취득했다.
이러한 와중에 그녀의 어두운 삶의 그늘은 아직 그녀를 가리고 있으며,
그로인해 그녀는 공황장애와 함께 천식에의 합병증으로 인해 입원을 하게되고,
고혈압 증세도 더욱 심해져서 약을 복용하기 시작했다.
그녀는 자신의 고통을 덜기 위해 전통심리상담가를 찾았지만,
이런 심리상담은 그녀의 내면의 기억들을 더욱 더 크게 노출시킴으로서  그녀를 힘들게 할 뿐이었다.
그러다가 그녀는 시카고에서 게리 크레이그의 EFT 세미나에 참석하게 되었으며,
EFT를 접한 그녀는 그녀의 수면 위로 떠오르는 기억들에게서 나오는 격한 분노와 신체적 불편함들을
해소할수 있게되었다.

물론 처음부터 기적처럼 치료가 되진 않았다.
처음에는 몇시간정도 두드려야 조금씩 가라앉던 그녀의 증상들이 그녀가 끈기를 가지고 치료에 임하자
몇분 이내로 사라지는 것이었다. 현재 그녀는 아무런 불편함 없이 많은 내담자를 도와주고 있다고 한다.
지금도 그녀는 매일 조금 더 나은 자신을 위해 오늘도 자신을 두드린다고 한다.


EFT역시 윗글에서 보듯이 인내심을 가지고 자신의 문제에 집중해 보는 것이 중요합니다.

몇 번 두드려보고 안 된다고 포기하지 마시고

위의 예처럼 몇 시간, 혹은 며칠이라도 시간적 인내심을 가지고 노력하는 것이 중요함을 강조하고 싶습니다.

Severe abuse memories subside...but not over yet.

This very personal article by Marilyn Poore should give hope to readers with severe abuse memories.

As you will see, she made impressive progress with EFT but did not get the one minute wonders" that EFT

often provides. With persistence, she has gone well beyond the expectations of conventional therapy and her progress continues.

Much gratitude for Marilyn for sharing her story. Her efforts should open the doors for many.

By Marilyn Poore

utmx_section("WiseOwl") Learn EFT Here

My name is Marilynn Poore, and I am an art therapist who has been in business since 2002.

I have worked with the addiction population from 1991 to the present

; have treated individuals with domestic violence issues as well as volunteered at shelters;

worked with individuals of childhood trauma, divorce, complicated grief and provided support groups

for survivors of childhood trauma/couples of victims of childhood trauma.

I had a conversation with Gary Craig recently about sending in an article

about my childhood abuse and how EFT has helped me.

At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it because this might cause some unresolved memories to surface.

That, of course, would be painful. After talking more with Gary,

I realized that I was experiencing the “fear of the fear” of these memories surfacing.

That is, because of EFT, the chances are the charge on these memories would be reduced, or non-existent.

I would just simply experiencing the fear that they would show up again in their usual full scale intensity.

So, I wrote this article and thus have even more awareness of how fantastic EFT has been for me.

I was emotionally, physically, and sexually abused by both of my parents.

Yet I had no memories of this until I had moved away from my family of origin in my 30’s.

I did have some awareness that I was constantly on guard around my father.

I moved from Kankakee, Illinois to Topeka, Kansas in the spring of 1983 with my boyfriend

who later became my second husband. I was divorced and left behind three children:

my son who was 8 years old having given custody to his father.

I also left my daughter who was 13 years old with him and my oldest daughter

who was 15 living at my previous residence.

I felt terrible about leaving my children yet felt that my hands were tied at the time.

I thankfully had my girls living with me by the next year.

I started attending college in Illinois and continued in Kansas to get BSW/BA degrees.

I attended school part-time working full-time with 4 teenagers at home;

my second husband’s two sons and my two daughters.

It took me 8 years to complete these: BSW in Social Work and BA in Anthropology and I loved every minute of it.

I started getting emotionally triggered during this period for a variety of reasons.

I ended up in traditional therapy, which is all I knew at the time.

My second husband died shortly after I started in therapy.

The therapy provided me with memories of abuse that were so overwhelming that I felt at times that

I was going crazy. I had anxiety attacks almost daily, which triggered asthma attacks

that at times put me in the hospital. I began to have problems with high blood pressure,

which I still take medication for. Traditional therapy was like opening a Pandora’s box that you just had to live with.

I truly understood why addicts who had this issue kept using.

Some of the memories have been about my so-called father, (who constantly told me I wasn’t his)

physically and sexually abusing me for my mother’s habit of sexually seducing me.

He also had the habit of torturing and killing baby kittens that I brought into the house to play with.

He did these things from the time I was 2 until I was 8 years old.

The worst memory I had was of him beating me so bad at 8 that I almost died.

That memory involved me lying in a basement for 10 days with broken ribs, a broken arm,

a mangled face and broken jaw. I don’t remember how I got out of there, but one of the other memories

that caused me intense emotional pain was seeing my mother on the steps, looking at me then just walking away.

There were other memories of being sold by my mother to strangers both men and women at a roller rink.

These individuals abused me sexually. There were memories of sexual abuse by doctors, nuns and priests.

By the time I was 13 I was choosing to stay away from home,

which left me with feelings of guilt about younger siblings, I left behind.

I was married by 17 and pregnant with my first child. Of course he was abusive too,

that’s all I knew at the time.

How I found EFT!

As a counselor, I wanted to find an easier way for myself and my clients to release the past.

I started by learning Reiki eventually receiving the 2nd degree Reiki training.

The Reiki helped me enhance my intuition. I started to trust myself to know what to say to my clients to help them.

Reiki would help temporarily when I did get triggered but never released any of the traumatic memories for me.

I tried massage to help possibly bring up the body memories to release them,

but would get so overwhelmed that I would stop going.

Recently, I and another friend started using EFT to release the memories and thus I chose to use it as a counselor.

Finally I had found my answer. I attended Gary Craig’s/Dr Mercola’s EFT workshop in Chicago.

A presentation done by Carol Look at that workshop triggered some of the memories.

I worked to release some of those memories of my father’s abuse with the help of B. Marianne Niebauer.

I knew then that I was meant to teach EFT to other counselors/professionals/individuals

who want to allow trauma to actually be released.

EFT has been my miracle. I no longer have to just endure the memories like before.

I have released enough memories with EFT to be able to feel forgiveness to my parents.

The EFT has helped me release rage/explosive anger that I was so afraid of.

EFT has given me clarity that actually started in Chicago to begin to address my victimization/martyr role.

I have tapped on current issues like communication with my children/grandchildren:

my daughters are 38 and 36, my son will be 31 later this year and I have 8 grandchildren:

6 grandsons ages 18 thru 9 months, and 2 granddaughters ages 20 and 10. My recovery has

progressed at least 75% over traditional therapy with EFT.

When memories did get triggered (before EFT), I did not operate from my rational/logical mind.

I became reactive operating from my limbic system which for me was immobilization.

I became like that small child who was so terribly abused in childhood.

There are still times when it is not easy for me. Yet, with EFT, I am realizing more and more each day

that I have fewer episodes of this happening. I am able to tap the rest away in a shorter amount of time.

What started out as several hours and sometimes days of tapping has now become just minutes.

I continue to tap daily on the mental “writings on my walls”, which are directly tied to those memories.

I tap on not being enough, don’t deserve to live, will never be loved enough, being abandoned,

and can’t be myself. I know that I will finally get to that place with the tapping,

and learning/ teaching EFT to be eventually done with the painful body memories.

It is because of Emotional Freedom Technique that this is finally a possibility.


Gratefully using EFT,

Marilynn Poore MS, ATR, BSW, EFT Adv CC